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Each country has specific requirements the applicant must meet to be able to apply for its citizenship or residency by investment programs. Some of the basic conditions are being over 18 years of age, having a clean criminal record, a legal source of funds and investing in one of the government-approved options.

The basic difference between the two is:

Citizenship-by-investment guarantees lifetime citizenship status to the applicant and citizen rights. The second passport will be received within a few months after successful completion of the application.

Residency-by-investment is a method of gaining permanent residence in another country through means of investment. In return, the investor is granted a permanent residency card, allowing the holder to live and work in the granting country.

We offer a range of programs. It is vital to understand each individual and family have different requirements and motives to acquire Residency / Citizenship. Our team is available for a free consultation and will be happy to share what program suits your needs best.

The top destinations of the world in terms of their desirability by immigrants around the world are:
USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Singapore

These countries are as popular for permanent immigration as they are for studying, travel or even starting a business.

Residency by Investment (also known as Golden Visa) is a process whereby individuals, along with their eligible family members, are able to acquire permanent resident status in a country in exchange for making a specified quantum of investment in eligible categories.

“Permanent Residency” is a visa status which allows the holder of a designated Permanent Resident Card to reside in a country and enjoy all the benefits of that status.

In most cases, permanent residency status can lead to citizenship by naturalization provided a permanent resident has complied with certain conditions (which can differ from country to country).

Some jurisdictions may require you to be under a certain age, some might require proof of business/managerial experience, while some may require you to prove language proficiency.

However, most Residency by Investment Programs do not require you to prove any of the above. A mere investment is all it takes to get a Permanent Resident Card. Contact us to determine which region and country is best for you.

The factors most common to all are:
● Having a clean criminal record
● Showing legal source of funds that are to be invested
● Investment in a government approved option

Getting European citizenship sometimes may not be an easy task. You can get the permanent residency status by that allows the bearer to legally stay in the host country. This permanent residency will provide you a way to reside in the country and also to carry out all the functions except run or vote for office.

This seems like a pretty easy way to gain access to become the PR of a country. But there are some of the requirements that must be fulfilled before you can become a PR. You must know the language of the country, studied in the country or have work experience in the country.

If the PR resident lives in a country for a certain number of years then they are eligible to get citizenship in the form of citizenship by neutralization.

Residency by Investment is when an investor who wishes to become a resident of a specific country does so by virtue of a financial investment, normally in the form of a real estate purchase or government bonds. Often an investor will initially have to become a Temporary Resident, with a limit on the amount of time they can spend in that country. After 3-5 years (depending on the country) an investor can apply for Permanent Residency which entitles them to remain in that country without limitation, be eligible for state benefits and be able to establish a business there.

After a year of permanent residency, an investor can then apply for full citizenship of that country. Only as a citizen will they become a passport holder, and benefit accordingly from the visa-free travel that a new passport brings. As a resident, one can benefit from that country domestically, but as a citizen, those benefits become international.

The rejection rate varies depending on each program’s criteria and standards. Malta has a 30% rejection rate while others have a 1% rejection rate on average. To prevent a possible rejection and prior to onboarding you as our client, we conduct a pre-screening check – at no cost to you- using sophisticated systems which enable us to understand if there is any potential threat to your application.

Difficulties can arise once the client goes through Due Diligence and our combined expertise of being one of the oldest companies in the industry is the best support a client can have under these circumstances.

Eligibility of dependents differs in every country, but usually a spouse and underage children, biological or adopted are eligible. Dependent children over the age of 18 can be included as well if they meet specific criteria. Additionally, parents and sometimes grandparents of the main applicant and their spouse can be included, given that they fit the requirements. Some exceptional programs also accept siblings of the main applicant and wife within certain criteria.

It is important to understand the criteria and costs involved in the particular country of choice to add family members in the future. This might be a key for you to choose between one program or the other.

This does not necessarily mean that you will be rejected. We need to carefully assess your case and all support documentation you might have related to the case. Before taking a high-risk application, we pre-screen it with the Government.

None of the countries that offer second citizenship by investment require investors to renounce their nationality by birth.

Some countries have certain nationalities banned to apply for citizenship, however, there is a solution for every nationality. Residence programs are in general more flexible when it comes to this as the country is not granting you citizenship but just the right to reside in their country.

Citizenship by Investment programs do not require the applicant to learn the language. Residence programs, on the other hand, once the applicant meets the criteria to apply for citizenship at this stage a language test could be required. This varies from country to country

Citizenship by investment programs do not require the applicant to reside in the country to obtain citizenship. However, some of the citizenship programs do require a physical short visit to be granted a passport. On the other hand, residency programs could require some visits over time to keep the residency. Residency programs could also have as a criteria to live in the country for a certain period of time to be able to apply for citizenship

Governments contract independent third-party Due Diligence Agencies who use intelligence tools to check the applicants’ background. These checks include verification of all documents issued by official institutions at the applicant’s country of origin and residence, media reports, verification of their businesses and companies the applicant owns or is related with. The Government also carries out a vetting of the applicant by law enforcement agencies and INTERPOL to ensure a clean criminal record. Once all checks have been finished the Government draws a decision.

If you have questions you can contact us
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